Monthly Post #3 Anime Merchandise

I love anime and since I love anime, I love anime merch. Anime merch is very expensive, the main two things about buying anime merch are the quality and the price. When you are buying a low-quality item the price is low when you’re buying a high-quality item the price can be very high justContinue reading Monthly Post #3 Anime Merchandise

Monthly Post #2 Fate/Grand Order Farming

If you play any Role Playing Game (RPG) or Japnese Role Playing Game (JRPG) you know that they require a lot of time to play specifically because you need to level up your characters which the most popular way to do that is through playing the game. These experience points aren’t just handed to youContinue reading Monthly Post #2 Fate/Grand Order Farming


Hello, today I will write about how I don’t want to do anything right now but I have to because if I don’t I’ll be in trouble. This Edublogs thing is a pain I wish that this wasn’t a thing because this is a very open-ended project and has a lot of vulnerability for procrastination. Procrastination isContinue reading Monthly Post #1 NOT WANTING TO DO THIS

Student Blogging Challenge Week #7 My Favorite Fall Anime 2018

Since this week is a free choice I have decided to write about something that is interesting to me. This Fall there are definitely some good picks, and they are also definitely better than last season. My top pick is for this season is Seishun Buta Yaoru wa Bunny Girl Senpai no Yume wo Minai. Seishun ButaContinue reading Student Blogging Challenge Week #7 My Favorite Fall Anime 2018